General Scholarships

The Charles A. Alseth Scholarship – $1,000
One to two scholarships are annually awarded from a gift perpetually endowed in memory of Charles A. Alseth ’41 for his life-long devotion to Yankton College. Following the same educational path as many in his family, Alseth chose to earn a degree from Yankton College like his father, an aunt, a sister and a brother did before him. Established in 2012.
The Eva C. & Dale M. Andersen Family Scholarship – $1,000
Endowed in their memory by their children, Myrna Andersen ’63 and Virgil Andersen ’65. The Andersen family wishes t offer the annual scholarship opportunity to individuals who “might slip through the cracks” of the financial aid process and be blocked from achieving a meaningful lifetime career. Established in 2017.
The Bennett/Walter Scholarship – $1,000
Endowed by Louise Davis Bennett-Walter in memory of Millard Bennet ’37, her first husband, who was killed on a training flight while serving as a flight instructor at the U.S. Naval Station in Florida. Later, she married Donald Walter ’39, who was a first cousin of Millard and a good friend. Mrs. Walter, a former YC Miss Pioneer, remarked that men exemplified good values encouraged throughout their years at Yankton College and it seemed appropriate to name the scholarship in honor of both of them. Established in 2000.
The Brown-Daniels Scholarship – $1,000
In recognition of the significant endowment provided over the years to Yankton College by Helen (Brown ’34) and Bernard T. Daniels ’35 in honor of their parents: Olive (Gerald) and Matthew Brown ’09 (who went on to become a Rhodes Scholar) and Emma and Israel Daniels x12. Their relationship to the College between them all “run long and deep.” Established in 1990.
The Rosamond Burgi-Hall Scholarship – $1,000
Given in recognition of Rosamond Burgi-Hall for her many years of service to Yankton College as a superior foreign language teacher and scholar.
The Karen B. and Donald L. DeGenaro Scholarship – $2,000
This endowed scholarship is given by Rand (Bengsten ’65) and Donald DeGenaro to a student in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and/or Math. We want to help the first-year college students on their life-long journey of acquiring knowledge and wisdom. A college education along with Math and Science helped us in our careers. Establish in 2022.
The Rhea Ward Erickson Memorial Scholarship – $2,000+
This scholarship is in the memory of Rhea Ward Erickson. It will be awarded to students studying Science, Technology, Engineering and/or Mathematics (STEM). Rhea was a teacher by profession. Honoring Rhea’s loving, lifetime participation in the music of her school, church and community this scholarship adds a financial bonus for the student who also participates in the college’s music classes or performing groups. Established in 2023.
Leading up to their 50th class reunion in 2012 the Yankton College Class of 1962 expressed their support of higher education by establishing a scholarship in perpetuity under the leadership of Carol (Kasulka ’62) Boos. Classmates responded generously when Boos asked for their support, “Imagine the excitement of receiving a scholarship. The scholarship money would open the door to an education.” Established in 2012.
The Dr. Frank E. Jobes Memorial Science Scholarship – $1,000
This scholarship is endowed by Frances (Jobes ‘67) Stachour in memory of her father, Dr. Frank Jobes, for his service to Yankton College as the Professor of Biology for twenty years. Before making Yankton College his permanent career choice in 1949, Jobes taught both in Kansas and in Illinois. He was also a research biologist with the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and authored numerous articles in technical science publications. Frank was a man excited by nature and that made him an excellent teacher.
This scholarship is given in memory of Howard “Hod” Nielsen and Anita Nielsen, respected life-long community members of Yankton, graduates of Yankton High School and supporters of Yankton College. Anita (O’Reilly ‘41) Nielsen was an accomplished pianist. Hod was the KYNT Radio Voice and sports editor for the Yankton Press & Dakotan accounting for many local games and tournaments of Yankton College and Yankton High School athletic teams. Established in 2014.
The Rivola Family Scholarship – $1,000
Endowed by Robert S. Rivola “in respect” to his family members who attended the College: mother, Flora (Shufelt ‘39) Rivola (who called herself a “perennial student”) and his sisters, Glennys (Rivola ‘29) Heiner and Helen (Rivola ‘32) Fawcett. Robert’s father, Charles, “carried the mail” daily to Yankton College as a postal worker for the USPS. Established in 2000.
The Isabel Reedy-Sattler Scholarship – $1,000
This scholarship is awarded in keeping with the intellectual, educational, and spiritual legacy of the Isabel Reedy-Sattler, a Yankton College graduate, Board of Trustee and recipient of the YC Honorary Doctorate of Humanities. Isabel graduated with honors from Yankton College in 1940. During her Yankton College years, she was a leader in their renowned speech and debate program. Those communication skills were the foundation for her many contributions to civic life at local, regional and national levels of government and to non-profit organizations. This scholarship goes specifically to a Yankton High School senior every two years ending in odd numbers and is selected by the YHS Scholarship Committee. Established in 2006.
The Robinson-Dixon Family Scholarship – $1,000+
This time-limited scholarship is given in memory of Warren, Suzanne (Robinson ’47) Dixon and their son, David. Suzanne truly loved her years at Yankton College as an English and Spanish major. She taught both subjects at Mitchell High School. After their youngest son was severely brain damaged as the result of a childhood illness, they provided care for David for the remainder of their lives. Suzanne always kept Yankton College close to her heart and would be pleased to award two scholarships to worthy candidates from South Dakota, pursuing the English, Spanish or Special Education fields at a South Dakota accredited college or university. Established in 2020.
The Oscar and Mavis Stradinger Scholarship – $2,000
This scholarship in honor of Oscar and Mavis Stradinger. They met and graduated from Yankton College, beginning a relationship that lasted for 72 years. They valued education, became educators, and considered it the most important step to a successful and fulfilling career. Oscar was an optimist and wanted all of us to be “the best we can be.” Oscar and Mavis were perpetually grateful for the opportunity Yankton College gave them. Established in 2023.
The Nell & LaVerne Tollefson Scholarship – $1,000
Endowed by Nell (Schanck ‘42 Ed) Tollefson, with her husband, LaVerne. Nell attended Yankton College from 1941 to 1942 to earn her two-year State Elementary Teaching certificate while working for her room and board in a private home at Fantles Clothing Store. According to Nell’s obituary and YC archives, during an annual May Fete ceremony in 1941, Nell was involved in the theatrical production of ‘Alice in Wonderland’ performed in the outdoor Garden Terrace Theatre on the college campus and also played clarinet in the college band. Later, Nell earned her BA at Huron College in 1956 and spent a lifetime teaching students in the Huron School District. She and her husband, also an educator and coach, never had children, but they considered their beloved students, their “family.”
The Rev. Dr. Donald B. Ward Scholarship – $1,000
This scholarship is granted by the Ward family in memory of Reverend Dr. Donald B. Ward, the eighth president of Yankton College serving from 1962 – 70 who recalled those years as a “glorious chapter in my life.” This scholarship is awarded in keeping with the intellectual, educational and spiritual legacy of Rev. Dr. Ward, the great grandson of Joseph Ward, the founder of Yankton College. This scholarship goes specifically to a Yankton High School senior every two years ending in odd numbers and is selected by the YHS Scholarship Committee. Established in 1995.
The Nancy Ward Scholarship – $1,000
This scholarship is established in memory of Nancy Ward. Nancy Waltmire Ward, with a desire to travel west, left Peoria, IL in 1970 to attend Yankton College. She studied history, her favorite subject, and pursued her love of music in the YC Conservatory Choir. YC always retained a special place in her heart. It was there she met her future husband, Gary, a great grandson of the founder, Joseph Ward. They eventually settled in Centerville, SD where they raised their three children, Joseph, Laura and Sarah. Nancy was an avid supporter of education, lending fundraising efforts for a new school library and serving several years on the local school board. She also had a love of the arts, traveling all over the Midwest attending her children’s many choral concerts. In 2015, she retired from the University of South Dakota after serving as the assistant to the chair of the art department. It was there that she was exposed to and learned the love of the visual arts. In retirement, Nancy spent many hours in her dewing room, quilting, mastering machine embroidery and creating many treasured gifts for family and friends. She was ever joyful and loved being a mother and grandmother. Nancy was a cheerleader for all and would be proud of you for continuing you education and would ask you about your classes, remembering everything the next time she saw you. Established in 2022.
The Carl and Cle Youngworth Scholarship – $1,000
For more information, contact the Yankton College business office, phone toll-free: (866) 665-3661.