If you wish to share alumni news or need to update your alumni records, Yankton College staff is available to help. Email the Yankton College business office at [email protected].
Maintaining Current Information
Yankton College maintains an alumni data base with every effort towards accuracy that includes: current/maiden name, residence address, phone numbers, e-mail address and degree information. When news of YC alumni gets to the Yankton College business office, information is stored in the alums personal student file. Appropriate measures are in place to safeguard the privacy and security of the information kept on file and the release of it.
When your personal information has changed, be sure to provide the updates to the Yankton College office. This will ensure that you continue to receive the Yankton College mailings. We appreciate hearing from you!
If you know of a YC alum, alumna or friend who has passed away, please provide an update to the Yankton College office. This will stop all communications from Yankton College to their address. We appreciate your help.
Looking for a fellow classmate? We can help you find them by relaying contact information requests.
Yankton College respects your right to privacy, while also giving you the right to share information with the organization or with other alums if you desire. Yankton College never sells or otherwise discloses personal information to any outside organizations, companies or individuals. Lists will not be shared with third parties or sold.
Yankton College may use your postal or email address to send you news or other information. If you do not want to receive this material, contact the Yankton College office.
For more information, contact the Yankton College business office, phone toll-free (866) 665-3661, or email [email protected]